Apostle Philemon
ByzCatholic, Feasts

Apostle Philemon the Holy and Glorious

Apostle Philemon

We celebrate Apostle Philemon on November 22nd. He is probably most recognized as a recipient of a letter from Paul, which is included in  the cannon of scripture. Philemon was wealthy, and as such at the time, had slaves in his household. In the epistle to Philemon, we hear that one of his slaves, Onesimus, fled from Philemon. However, Onesimus encounter Paul, and converted to Christianity. Paul then entreats Philemon to accept Onesimus back as a brother in Christ. 

Philimon is also one of the seventy apostles chosen by Jesus to go out and spread the good news. To read the account about the seventy, see the Gospel of Luke 10: 1-16.

Philemon is also refered to as the Bishop of Gaza, and was martyred with his wife Apphia and others gathered to pray in his home, which angered the local pagans who were celebrating one of their own feasts.

Ways to Celebrate

Read the Epistle to Philemon. (It is very short, after all!)

Consider how Paul entreats Philemon in the epistle, verses 17-19. Paul offers to take on any of Onesimus’ debts to him, just as Christ took on our sins on the cross.

Tradition has that Onesimus stole from Philemon when running away. Consider anyone who has been unjust to you. Pray for anyone who has stolen anything owed to you, or treated you unjustly. And also, if you haven’t already, forgive them.

Prayers for Apostle Philemon

Troparion: (tone 3)

Holy Apostles Philemon, Archippus, Apphia, and Onesimus, intercede with the merciful God to grant our souls forgiveness of sins.

Kontakion: (tone 2)

We praise Christ’s Apostles as bright stars illumining the ends of the world. O glorious Philemon, Archippus, and Onesimus, together with  the all-wise Apphia, pray unceasingly in behalf of us all!

Prokimenon: (tone 8)

Prokeimenon: (tone 8) Their utterance has gone forth into all the earth, and their words into the ends of the world Verse: the heavens tell the glory of God, and the firmament declares the work of His hand.

The Byzantine Life

I hope you enjoyed this week’s article about Apostle Philemon. Also coming up in the next week is the Feast of St. Katherine of Alexandria. You may also be interested in reading about The Nativity Fast, or on the Feast of St. Nicholas!

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