How to Balance Work Faith Family and Self with a Rule of Life

Developing a Rule of Life: How I Brought Order to my Day, and You Can To!

My Old Unorganized Life When life isn’t organized, we suffer for it. Our minds are filled with the pressure of all the things we should be doing. Even when we take a moment to relax, we feel guilty because there is so much left to do. 24 hours in a day doesn’t feel like enough. …

Dormition Feast: What to Do with Blessed Flowers and More

The Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos While all Marian Feasts are awesome, wonderful, and special, the feast of the Dormition of the Theotokos has a special place in my heart. It is my firstborn daughter’s day of birth (Little Fox). Also called the Assumption of Mary, the feast of Dormition falls on the 15th …

Why the Byzantine Life is Beautiful

Drawn to the East: Why the Byzantine Life is so Beautiful

The Byzantine Life All the cool Catholics are joining the Byzantine Rite of the Catholic Church. Well, Matt Fradd made the leap. (And my husband! Though his family is already Ukrainian and his spiritual formation was at our local Ukrainian Catholic elementary school). Anyway, at one point or another, you’ve probably heard about someone transferring …

Books Every Parent Should Read

A Mom’s Starter Booklist: 3 Reads that Will Change the Way You Parent

This week I want to share with you three of the most amazing books I’ve read about parenting. These books have all changed my outlook and improved my understanding of children. Every parent should read these books. I especially appreciate how the wisdom is adaptable for families to match with their own values. A Solid …

The Ultimate Guide to Baby Clothes

The Ultimate Guide to Baby Clothes: Plan Based on Your Family’s Situation

While I was pregnant with our first baby, I spent a long time searching “how many baby clothes do we need in each size.” Although I found several different posts on various blogs, none of them really fit with how I ended up using clothes with Little Fox. There are numerous factors which go into …

How to be a Tired Mom

Surviving the Exhausted Days: How to Be a Mom with Almost No Sleep (Part II)

Part 2: Daytime Solutions After A Rough Night So last week we talked about some ways to handle parenting at night. (If you missed that article, check it out here). This week we are going to go through some options for what you can do to survive through the day. It is 5:30 in the …

Surviving the Exhausted Days: How to Be a Mom with Almost No Sleep (Part 1)

Part 1: Nighttime Solutions When You Aren’t Getting Enough Sleep With a Baby  Just when you think that your baby has this sleep thing down, maybe even reaching five or six hours straight of sleep, it happens. You’re up to the-world-is-ending cries every one to two hours, and you start to feel like you’ll never …