Gift Giving and Family Time – Preparing For St. Nicholas Day/Christmas

In the modern world, December is often a stress-inducing hubble-jumble of a month filled with parties, gifts, and overdrawn credit cards. As a family of faith, we want the month leading up to and including the birth of the prince of peace to look very different from this. So here is what we do to …

Humanity Joins in the Akathist

Akathist to The Theotokos – Heading to Egypt In continuation of our akathist to the Theotokos series, let’s cover the seventh set of prayers! This week all of humanity comes together to sing the praises of the Theotokos. If you missed the first six articles, be sure to read them first! Start with and …

Bonding Siblings

Bonding with Babies and Toddlers (Updated!)

The bonding of siblings is an often complicated process. Children mix feelings of joy and excitement and jealousy. In this article I explore three ideas of how I helped Little Fox (21 months) and Little Badger (newborn) bond. Plus I have some new ideas for helping Little Badger (3) and Little Fox (5) bond with …

Why We Love Montessori Bead Chains

What Are Bead Chains? In Montessori, the bead chains are a math material for hands on learning. There are a few prerequisite works/skills needed for introducing bead chains. However, this generally boils down to being able to count to 100 and recognize the numbers written out (1, 2, 3…). Generally, the age range for introducing …


The Magi Respond to Mary in the Akathist of the Theotokos

Akathist to The Theotokos – The Three Magi This week we continue the series exploring the akathist to the Theotokos. If you missed the first four articles, be sure to read them first! Start with and then follow it up with Next there is Finally, read about The Fifth Set of …