Byzantine Vacation Bible School Announcement

Byzantine Vacation Bible School???

Heavenly King Vacation Bible School We are excited to announce that in March 2025, we will make available for purchase a curriculum program for Byzantine Vacation Bible School! The theme for our program is the Holy Spirit. Are you looking for a Byzantine themed program for your parish? Then you’ll want to check out our …

Byzantine Feasts in February

February in the Byzantine Life

February 1 – Last day to use the greeting Christ is Born! Glorify Him! (Time to take down our Christmas Tree!) 2 – Presentation/Encounter in the Temple (12) – Meatfare Sunday 14 – Repose of Venerable Cyril, Teacher of the Slavs (19) – Cheesefare/Forgiveness Sunday (20) – First Day of Great Lent (strict fast) (Check …

Great Lent Retreat: Diligence and Prudence

Diligence and Prudence – Great Lenten Retreat Week Four Welcome to our fourth week of our Great Lent retreat, with prudence and diligence as our virtues to grow in. This is the forth article in our Great Lent retreat series. So if you missed the earlier article on Humility and Justice, check it out here. …