Family, Pregnancy

Pregnant Again – and How I Got Through the First Trimester!

Hello readers! Unless you somehow got to this page without reading the title, then you know we are pregnant with baby number two! Our first children will be 21 months apart which is almost exactly what we wanted. (We were aiming for 18 months). And now that we’ve told family we can share the good news with you! Honestly, it has been hard not to mention it in posts because it has been a big part of our lives the last few months.

First Trimester

It’s been an interesting first trimester. I have been able to avoid the worst of morning sickness by eating more often but having mini meals. When I was pregnant with Little Fox I only threw up twice, and both those times from trying to take maternity pills. This time I was overjoyed to discover… chewable maternity multivitamins! Best surprise in a store ever!

Being pregnant didn’t get in the way of moving very much. Certainly, it has added to the struggle of unpacking with a mobile baby though. I am getting tired more easily and often. The babies are my priority, so I make sure to listen to my body and not push myself too hard.

On the other hand, I caught the flu in the last week of the first trimester. That was scary. Next year I’m getting my flu shot from wherever it is available first! We usually get it at our pharmacy, but our scheduled appointment was for a week too late. I wrote a post about my emergency hospital visit, which you can read here.

Ultrasounds So Far

We’ve had the chance to see our new baby three times already. Unless I’m forgetting something that means we’ve already tied with last pregnancy. (That time we had dating, gender/check-up, and position for birthing ultrasounds).

During our first ultrasound – for dating, our littlest one was sleeping. It made for good photos, and we can see the baby’s profile quite well. My favourite part is getting to see the heartbeat on the ultrasound.

Our second ultrasound was in the hospital. We were so happy to see our baby active and kicking on this one! It was such a relief to know our little one was doing well despite my high heart rate and dehydration. If I ever have to have the flu while pregnant again I hope I am in the second trimester so I’ll be easier to treat.

And then the opportunity came up to have a third ultrasound. This time Baba was there to see her newest grandchild. Since this wasn’t a medical ultrasound, every step of the way the technician talked about the different things we could see.  It was really in depth and I appreciated the walk through. Baby’s spine was really visible! I still like looking at the heartbeat best. So cute! We got some more good photos at this ultrasound, and the baby was kicking again. It was still too soon to be able to tell the gender but the baby’s legs were crossed anyway.

Looking Forward…

We are so excited to be able to journey through this pregnancy with you all! If you have the chance to pray for us and the safe and healthy delivery of our unborn child, we would appreciate the prayers. Please like our Facebook page, and check out some of our other posts, like Developing a Rule of Life: How I Brought Order to my Day and You Can To!.

In the coming weeks you can expect some posts about what we are doing differently this time, and how we are preparing Little Fox for being a big sister.

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