Great Lent
Of the many ways to draw closer to God during Lent, don’t forget music! Especially in the setting of family life, music can draw the family together towards God. So this year, when I updated my Great Lent playlist for my kids, I also put together a YouTube playlist with many of the songs so I could share some of my favourites (and my children’s favourites) with you all!
The Sorrowful Mother/The Mournful Mother, Страдальна Мати
When I think of Lent, this I think of this song. I still can’t get through singing it in English. Here is the first verse:
Beneath the cross there stood a mother crying, shedding tears of sorrow, while her son was dying, “O Son, My Son, for what great transgression must you face this trying hour of oppression, on the cross.
My melancholic Little Badger also loves this song. It really touches the soul! Whenever we want to slow down and remember the crucifixion – throughout the year, not just during Lent – we listen to this song.
The Noble Joseph/Благообразний Йосиф
The Noble Joseph, took down Your most pure Body from the tree. He wrapped it in a clean shroud, and with aromatic spices, placed it in a new tomb.
This troparion from Jerusalem Matins is a favourite of the Badger Dad – perhaps to him what the Mournful Mother is to me. Although this troparion is beautiful on its own, practising it throughout Great Lent also aids in the participation of Holy Week liturgies.
Jesus Remember Me and The Jesus Prayer![Music for Great Lent](
Growing up Roman Catholic, “Jesus Remember Me” is the sound of Good Friday (although we sing it in our local Ukrainian Catholic churches too. This hymn, combined with The Jesus Prayer in Church Slavonic, are a great part of our Lenten playlists. I can put these on in the background while doing homeschool with the children, or during quiet time. And the rhythmic pattern will not disturb our work, and yet continue to draw our hearts closer to God.
At The Cross Her Station Keeping/Saber Mater
This ancient hymn used to have indulgences attached to it. Really, it’s quite similar to The Sorrowful Mother. However, it is a lot longer, and has many versions available in English.
Other Songs Include
- Beneath the Cross/Під хрест Твій стаю – Ukrainian Lenten Hymm
- You Were on the Cross – Matt Maher (Catholic)
- Now the Powers of Heaven – Presantified Liturgy
- Willow Sunday/Palm Sunday Latin Tropar
- The Cry of the Poor – Psalm 34/33
- How Deep the Father’s Love for Us (Christian)
Byzantine Life Great Lent Playlist
Check out our Great Lent Playlist:
The Byzantine Life
Thank you for checking out this week’s article. Check our our other Great Lent articles too!
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