
Guest Post: Special Dedication to Divine Mercy and Theotokos

It has become increasingly obvious and tragic that members of our hierarchy continue to politick and obfuscate around the ongoing scandal of homosexual predation in the Catholic presbyterate and episcopacy.

This has left more than a few faithful Catholic Vloggers, Youtubers and Bloggers aghast, or worse, and left many of the laity feeling numb and betrayed.

One of the best recommendations that I can give is that all of you Byzantine Lifers please dedicate yourselves this Nativity Fast to the Divine Mercy, that is Incarnate Wisdom, through the Theotokos after the method of St. Louis de Montfort.  This may not seem like a particularly Eastern devotion, but there is no reason why we can’t infuse our preparation with Marian devotions (such as Akathists or St. Seraphim’s Prayer Rule).

I recommend the method presented by Rev. Michael Gaitley, M.I.C., in his monumental work 33 Days to Morning Glory.

It is time for us to decide in whose army we wish to fight in the midst of this melee. Our most dear Lady and Theotokos is the Standard bearer under Whom we can confirm our allegiance to our Lord, God and Saviour, Jesus Christ. Choose to be men and women of integrity and faith. And together let us say in the words of the Ancient Church Slavonic battle cry: “Z namy Boh!” God is with us.

Amazon link below:

Also for your consideration:

St. Seraphim’s Prayer Rule of the Theotokos:

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