Saint Hyacinth
ByzCatholic, Feasts

Holy Martyr Hyacinth

Hyacinth of Caesarea

Hyacinth was born in Caesarea in Cappadocia, between 88 and 96 A.D. He was raised Christian. And at some point he became a member of the Emperor’s household. The Emperor at this time, Trajan, persecuted Christians. Emperor Trajan led Rome’s military effectively, and greatly expanded the Roman Empire. History even calls Trajan one of the 5 good emperors because of his effective ruling of Roman territory. Unfortunately, his good managerial skills did not transfer to being merciful to his Christian citizens. Depending on age, Hyacinth was either the Emperor’s chamberlain or assistant to the chamberlain. During the Emperor’s sacrifices to the pagan gods in thanksgiving for military triumphs, Hyacinth would retreat to private rooms to pray alone to God. However, other members of the Emperor’s household eventually took notice of Hyacinth’s absences.

Hyacinth’s Fidelity to God

One servant determined to investigate why Hyacinth was absent during one of the sacrifices to pagan gods. The servant discovered Hyacinth was in a room praying to the Christian God. Once the servant reported what was overheard, Hyacinth was taken before the Emperor. Trajan ordered Hyacinth to partake of the pagan sacrifices, and Hyacinth refused. Trajan had Hyacinth scourged, and still the boy would not renounce God. Next Hyacinth was thrown in prison. Daily Hyacinth would be offered the meat of pagan sacrifices. This was the only food offered to him, as the Emperor was sure hunger would “make the boy see sense.” Hyacinth refused to eat the meat, firm in the resolve that it would offend God to eat what had been sacrificed to demons.

The Martyrdom of HyacinthHoly Martyr Hyacinth

After 38 days without eating, Hyacinth died in his jail cell. However, tradition records that Hyacinth’s jailers witnessed angels come to comfort Hyacinth shortly before his death. These angels presented Hyacinth with a beautiful crown, and covered Hyacinth’s body with a heavenly garment. We commemorate Hyacinth on July 3rd.

Prayers and Tropars

Troparion: (tone 4) You shone with grace unto the ends of the world, O Holy Hyacinth. Your confession of faith is radiant as a flower in Christ’s Church. You defeated the demons by staying true to Christ the Word. And you will ever illuminate those who follow you in faith. or (tone 4) O Lord, Your holy martyr Hyacinth has received an incorruptible crown from You, our God, through his great suffering. For having Your strength, he brought low his enemies and shattered the powerless arrogance of demons. Through his intercession, O Christ our God, save our souls! Kontakion: (tone 4) As a fragrant hyacinth, you cover us with the sweet scent of everlasting truth. And so we cry out: rejoice, glory of the martyrs! Prokeimenon: (tone 8) Their utterance has gone forth into all the earth, and their words into the ends of the world Verse: the heavens tell the glory of God, and the firmament declares the work of His hand.

The Byzantine Life

I hope you enjoyed this week’s article. If you missed last week’s article on the virtue of hope, check it out here! Otherwise, the feast of the Robe of Our Lady is also coming up.

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