ByzCatholic, Feasts

March in the Byzantine Life


(Still Great Lent – Check out our Great Lent Resources below!)

(5) – Gregory Palmas

9 – 40 Martyrs of Sebaste – also check out ByziMom’s

(12) – Veneration of the Holy Cross

14 – St. Benedict

18 – Cyril of Jerusalem

(19) – Ven. John Climacus

25 – AnnunciationAkathist Saturday

(26) – Venerable Mary of Egypt

26 – Synaxis of Archangel Gabriel

30 – Venerable John Climacus

A Month of Great Lent

This month is entirely made up of Great Lent. If you are still looking for ways to commemorate the fast, check out our extra ideas for fasting. I specifically wrote the article because it can be difficult to decide how to honour the fast while pregnant or nursing, but ideas in the article can be used regardless of dietary restrictions!

If you’re looking for some weekly Lenten reflections, check out our Great Lent Retreat from last year. Also sign up (on the right) for Royal Doors emails for daily readings and reflections!

The Byzantine Life

Thank you for checking out this week’s article. Stay tuned for some more Great Lent resources. Next week I will share the Lenten music our family listens to, which includes Ukrainian, Church Slavonic, Latin, and English!

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