Matthew the Evangelist
ByzCatholic, Feasts

Matthew the Holy Apostle and Evangelist

Holy Apostle and Evangelist Matthew

We celebrate the Holy Apostle and Evangelist Matthew on November 16th. One thing we know about St. Matthew is that he was a tax collector before following Christ. And, in reading his gospel, we see his attentiveness to numbers never leaves him! His gospel was written specifically for a Jewish audience; it focuses on how Jesus fulfills the Old Testament prophesies of the coming Messiah. He likely spent a long time preaching the gospel in the Holy Land, before moving on to Syria, Media, Persia, Parthia, and Ethiopia.

The Holy Apostle Matthew died in Ethiopia, martyred by being placed in a fire. The fire, though, did not harm his body. This miraculous event sparked further conversions to the true faith.

Saint Matthew Prayers and Tropars

Troparion: (tone 3)

O Apostle Matthew, proclaimer of God’s word! You turned from the tax collector’s booth and zealously followed the Master, who out of His love appeared to us on earth and summoned you. You shone to the world as a chosen apostle and loud herald of the Gospel. And so we joyously celebrate your memorial. For you spoke of God, teaching all to believe in Christ, finishing your course in a manner worthy of the gospel. Pray to God to grant us great mercy and the forgiveness of our sins.

Kontakion: (tone 4)

Casting aside the yoke of the custom house for the yoke of justice, and finding yourself an excellent merchant, you gained wisdom and wealth from on high. So you proclaimed the word of truth, arousing sluggish souls by writing of the hour of judgment.

Ways to Celebrate

Read from the gospel of Matthew. One good passage might be Matthew 9: 9-13, which described how Matthew joined Christ.

The feast of St. Matthew occurs during St. Phillip’s fast. So honour this day with a fast friendly meal. Be sure to check out ByziMom’s blog for some great fast-friendly meals.

The Holy Apostle Matthew turned away from an unhealthy relationship with money, to total devotion to Christ. Consider your relationship with money: how you earn and spend it. If there is anyone you have cheated, repay them. Or give that money to the poor.

Consider giving some money away today regardless of whether or not you actually ever handled money dishonestly. For St. Matthew will appreciate the gesture of your generosity on his feast day! With Christmas coming up, consider donating to a Catholic organization like Chalice – they have a Christmas Gift Catalogue to help support the needs of others during this holy season.

The Byzantine Life

Thank you for checking out this week’s article! With the fast approaching, be sure to check out our articles on The Nativity Fast, the Nativity Fast Resource Collection, and Advent Music.

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