ByzCatholic, Feasts

Nativity Fast Resource Collection

The Nativity Fast

That Nativity Fast, or St. Philip’s fast (because it begins after the feast of the Apostle Philip), starts November 15th. I wrote a short article last year about slowing life down in preparation for the Nativity. Looking back on the post, I don’t think I found enough ways to truly answer “How to Celebrate the Nativity Fast.” So, this year I compiled a list of as many St. Phillip’s Fast resources as I could find. I hope you find something that will help you have a fruitful Nativity Fast!

Nativity Fast Music and Art

It is hard to find a good collection of music for St. Phillip’s Fast. And last year I put together my own to make up for this injustice! So you can find the playlist, ready to listen to, on YouTube. Or you can check out my article on Nativity Fast Music here, which includes the playlist and my list of the best Nativity Fast themed songs.

Blessed Beyond a Doubt – “Advent” Coloring pages

Also check out all of the links I put under Books and Blogs, because many of those sources have craft activities for children.

Books and Blogs

Byzantine Catholic Archeparchy of Pittsburgh: Liturgical changes during the Fast as well as the rules for fasting.

Royal Doors Byzantine Prayers and Traditions for the Nativity Fast.

The Jesse Tree by ByziMom – a resource with 40 days of Nativity Fast readings and instructions to make simple ornaments to go along with the Jesse Tree with your kids.

Ukrainian Catholic Archeparchy of Winnipeg: Reflection on beginning Nativity Fast.

Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of Edmonton: Daily readings for adults and children, byzantine “advent candle” prayers, Christmas Hamper list, and more. (They have a longer list of resources than me – ha!).

Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of Saskatchewan: Weekly Bible reading, reflections, and tropars.

The Byzantine Life

Thank you for checking out this week’s article. If you haven’t already, you can read our article about how to develop a relationship with a saint. Or our article on prayer ropes.

Don’t forget to follow us on social media. On our Pinterest we have boards full icons and faith activities! New posts are always shared to Facebook, and my husband runs our Twitter (@LifeByzantine) and Instagram accounts (username: thebyzantinelife)! And if you want to support our work at, consider joining us on Patreon. For as little as $5 a month you can get exclusive access to special posts, photos, and updates from our family!

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