Homeschool, Preschool

Organized Montessori From 2.5 to 6

organized montessori trackerOrganized Montessori – Scope and Sequence of Lessons

Today I am excited to share with you a resource I put together using the Montessori Album website as well as additional research into common preschool and kindergarten topics. It is meant to organize the observation and education of children between the ages of two and six. I hope this resource can save you time and help you stay organized and on top of what you can teach your children. It certainly helps me! So let me share with you how this organized Montessori tracker works.


Although the tracker includes most popular Montessori work materials, don’t feel that it means you need to use all of them.

We don’t have all the materials on the list and I don’t intend to buy them all. But they are all included so that a) this planner works for anyone who has any collection of the materials. And b) so that if you are not using certain materials, you can take the time to see what concept that material teaches and either teach it another way or leave it aside and not worry about it.

How to Use the Organized Montessori Tracker

Everything is organized by subject. There are two files for this resource. The first is the subject cover page. Although many people divide the Montessori preschool subjects differently, I settled on the following labels: Sensorial, Language, Mathematics, History, Science, Practical Life, and Arts. I grouped grace and courtesy lessons under practical life, and geography and culture under history.

On each subject cover page it shows the various topics/categories within the subject. This is the order that the materials/lessons are listed in the tracker sheet.

The Organized Montessori Tracker Sheets

The organized Montessori Tracker sheets are in the second PDF file for this resource. At the top of each sheet is room for three children’s names. This way you can keep track of up to three kids per subject per sheet. If you have more children than 3 in the 2-6 age range you can print off duplicate sheets to have room for all the children.

Then, on the left hand side, is a list of various Montessori materials or lessons. Where information was available on, I also included the suggested age range for materials. I think many of the lessons work at earlier ages, but it is going to depend on the child. I think the age range suggestion is a good cue for me to try a lesson or material with a child if I haven’t already.

Finally, under each child’s name, is space to track when and how materials and lessons have been introduced to children. I divided it into 1st period, 2nd period, and 3rd period Montessori Lessons. But for material that doesn’t follow the use of the Three Period Lesson, you can use it to track how many times a child has been introduced to a lesson, and how well they know it. You can mark the date these lessons were done, or how well the child responded to it. There is also a reviewed column. You can mark when you have reviewed the material to double check mastery, or put a comment here on how the child responds to the lesson.

Putting It All Together

Download the files from here, for free! Then match up the subject cover page to the material sheets. I will post a short video on Instagram showing how I put my booklet together so be sure to check it out when you have the chance.

The Byzantine Life

If you enjoyed this week’s article, you might also be interested in reading about Toy Rotation, or my article on Home Organization. Also be sure to check out our Easter Season articles: read about Thomas Sunday. And then about Bright Week. Finally, prepare for a lasting and memorable Easter by checking out our article about being mindful of the whole Easter season!

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