Feast Days in September
ByzCatholic, Resources - ByzCatholic

September in the Byzantine Life


1 – Church New Year!

5 – Holy Prophet Zachary and Elizabeth

8 – Nativity of the Theotokos

9 – Holy and Righteous Forebearers Anna and Joachim

14 – Exaltation of the Cross

17 – Holy Sophia and her daughters

26 – Repose of St. John the Theologian

28 – Venerable Father and Confessor Karita

September in The Byzantine LifeByzantine Catholic September Orthodox

Church New Year

September is the beginning of a new church year. And, here in Canada, a new school year as well. Little Fox will officially be a first grade student (though doing third grade math and grammar, if you’ve looked at our curriculum choices). It is also a long weekend at the beginning of the month, which is perfect for resetting for a new year. We will celebrate the beginning of the “new year” with family portraits, starting new catechism books, and putting away the things we won’t need this year.

Featuring the Cross

After the church new year and the Nativity of Mary, we will shift our family/September focus to the cross. We don’t have a lot of red in our house, but we will make sure there are crosses in every room. And we will start practising the troparion/prayers for the Exaltation of the Cross.

The Byzantine Life

Thank you for checking out this week’s article on a Byzantine September. What are you doing for the church New Year? Let me know in the comments.

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