Saint Epiphanius
ByzCatholic, Feasts

Venerable Epiphanius, Bishop of Cyprus

Venerable Epiphanius, Bishop of Cyprus

We celebrate the Venerable Saint Epiphanius on May 12th. He was born to a Jewish family, around A.D. 315. Then, after witnessing a monk giving his clothes to the poor, he converted to Christianity. Epiphanius’ conversion brought him to the desert, where he became a disciple of the recluse St. Hilarion the Great. Then he joined a monastery for some time, but eventually left for the desert to be on his own.

However, when he went into the desert he was held captive by a group of robbers. The robbers held him for several months, and during this time, Epiphanius brought one of the robbers to the Christian faith. When Epiphanius was released, the convert left with him and became a disciple. This robber-convert apparently became the man who recorded the details of Epiphanius’ life.

Throughout his life, venerable Epiphanius studied devoutly. During his life, he wrote a great work against heresies, Panarion. The later Latin translations of this work are called Adversus Haereses. You may be able to find a translation of his work today by searching for “The Panarion of Epiphanius of Salamis.”

Following the promptings of his life of prayer, Epiphanius travelled to the city of Salamis, which is on the coast of Cyprus. There, he was asked to become the Bishop.

And although he travelled to preach in Jerusalem, he mainly remained in Salamis for the rest of his life, where he died in A.D. 404.

Prayers for Epiphanius

Troparion: (tone 4)

O, God of our Fathers, deal with us always in Your kindness, and do not withhold Your mercy from us. But through the prayers of the hierarchs Epiphanius and Germanus, direct our lives in peace.

Kontakion: (tone 4)

It is fitting for us to praise the wonderous pair of hierarchs, the godly Epiphanius and Germanus, for like fire they consumed the tongues of the godless pagans, and ever chanted the orthodox and all-wise dogmas of the great mystery of piety

Ways to Celebrate

Venerable Epiphanius always loved and cared for the poor. Find a way to support the poor in your own community.

Are you familiar with the old heresies? Even though they were defeated in the past, the same lies about Christ continue to pop up again throughout history, and even today. Spend some time learning about what the heresies are, and why they are wrong.

Attend a divine liturgy in honour of the venerable saint Epiphanius.

Pray the prayers of today in your icon corner.

The Byzantine Life

Thank you for checking out this week’s article. As we continue to enjoy the Easter season, consider checking out our article on the Feast of the Ascension.

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