Theodosius the Great
ByzCatholic, Feasts

Venerable Theodosius

We celebrate Venerable Theodosius on January 11th. And this great saint is known as the founder of the the Cenobitic monastic life! But who really was he? Let’s see what we know about Venerable Theodosius.

Theodosius the Great

The name Theodosius means Gift of God, or Given by God. And, appropriately, there are several known saints bearing this name! As well as an Emperor, but let’s not confuse these people with whom we are commemorating to day.

Venerable Theodosius was raised by devout parents in Cappadocia in the 5th century (Born around 425 A.D.). Known for his beautiful voice, he spent many hours at church singing, chanting, and giving glory to God. Then, tradition has it that during his childhood he met St. Simon the Stylite, who blessed him and prophesied Theodosius’ vocation.

Then, when he was old enough, he searched out a cave from which he could live an aesthetic life. As is often the case with aesthetics, he attracted many men to join him in the cave, and thus was forced to set up a monastery for the crowds gathered to him. And so he founded the first cenobitic monastery at Lavra.

Theodosius Traditions

We remember Theodosius as generous towards the poor and hungry. On several occasions he ordered his monks to welcome those fleeing famine into the monastery. However, the monks expressed concerns that there wouldn’t be enough food to feed the people. Then, upon visiting their storeroom, the monks discovered their bread stores multiplied.

Taking care of travelers, the sick, and the hungry prompted Theodosius to expand the monastery to include housing for all such visitors. Some miracles attributed to Theodosius were healings of the infirm who came to Lavra for relief.Venerable Theodosius

Finally, tradition hold the prayers of Theodosius to be particularly efficatious. Monks attributed his prayers to ending famines, saving soldiers, and the rescue of shipwrecked sailors.

Ways to Celebrate

Venerable Theodosius’s prayers were known to be efficacious in this life. Let us imitate him in a life of prayer, and also ask his intercession.

Theodosius is the founder of Cenobitic monasticism, which has an emphasis on community life. Therefore, spend time thinking about how your family can work together today. And then action that! Or, ask yourself what can you do today to support your community.

Prayers for Venerable Theodosius

Troparion: (tone 8) You cultivated the barren desert with the streams of your tears. And with deep sighs your toils bore fruit a hundredfold. O venerable Father Theodosius, you became a beacon shining throughout the world by your wonders. By your prayers, may Christ our God save our souls. *The Kontakion for Theophany is said before this day’s Kontakion.

Kontakion: (tone 8) O Venerable Father Theodosius, planted in the courts of your Lord, you blossomed in beauty with godly virtues and multiplied your children in the desert by watering it with streams of tears. O leader of God’s divine sheepfolds, we cry out to you: Rejoice Father Theodosius!

Prokimenon: (tone 7) Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His venerable ones. Verse: What should I render unto the Lord for all the things He has rendered unto me.

The Byzantine Life

Thank you for checking out this week’s article. If you haven’t already, you can read our article about Theophany and the Synaxis of the John the Baptist.

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