ByzCast, ByzCatholic

TOS Ep. V: On Fools-For-Christ (Feat. Bill Dykstra)

In this episode of The Orthodachs Show, TheBadgerDad explores the relevant topic of Foolishness for Christ (Юродство or Юродивство), particularly in the life of St. Andrew of Constantinople and how the lessons of this particular charism speak to modern Christian life. TheBadgerDad is joined in this podcast by Bill Dykstra of The Hagios Dose Podcast …

ByzCast, ByzCatholic

The Orthodachs Show Ep. IV: Byzantine Fátima Revisited (Feat. Kevin Symonds)

In this episode of The Orthodachs Show, TheBadgerDad has an indepth conversation with his special guest, Mr. Kevin Symonds, author and Fátima expert. Mr. Symonds speaks on the details of the Third Part of the Secret of Fátima and of the “errors of Russia” mentioned by The Theotokos. He also reveals exclusive information about an …

About Me, Family

Happy Name’s Day Kyleshka and Little Fox

Many Happy Years! Εἰς πολλὰ ἔτη! Мъногаꙗ лѣта!   Today is the Feastday of St. Rita of Cascia and the Name’s Day for Kylesha and Little Fox. From the bottom of our hearts we’d like to wish them many happy and blessed years.  This blog wouldn’t exist without your hard work and dedication, my love, …

ByzCatholic, Feasts

Equal to the Apostles Constantine & Helena and Observances under Quarantine

Christ is Ascended! From Earth into Heaven! Friends, on this Holy Ascension Thursday, on the feast of the Equal-to-the-Apostles Constantine and Helena, we greet you!  Much ink has been spent on the figure of St. Constantine, his notoriety and controversy.  There are many actions throughout the history of his life which are regrettable and in …

ByzCast, ByzCatholic

The Orthodachs Show -Ep. 3

[Note: Some of the topics covered include mature themes and may not be suitable for younger audiences. Viewer discretion is advised.] Christ is Risen! In this epic come back into the world of podcasting, TheBadgerDad has a special guest: Rev. Geoffrey Young, SLL (License in Sacred Liturgy) of and The Ultramontanist Podcast. Their discussion …

ByzCatholic, Feasts

Holy Apostle James, Brother of St. John the Theologian

April 30th is the feast of Saint James, who is the brother of St. John the Theologian. I recently posted an article about St. James who is called the brother of Our Lord. This article goes into the etymology of James/Jacob in scripture, and also about St. James. But there are two other major James’ …

Baby Stage, Christian Living, Family, Toddler Stage

Montessori + Byzantine?

Parenting is a daily learning experience. We learn more about our children and about ourselves everyday. We have a lot to learn. And so do our children. “The role of parents in education is of such importance that it is almost impossible to provide adequate substitute” (CCC 2221). What an awesome responsibility to have. But …