Halloween – But it’s not Byzantine! Halloween, which is also called All Hallow’s Eve (I like this one best because it sounds old fashioned and I love that), Hallowmas, Hallowtide, or All Saint’s Eve, happens on October 31st. Right? Well, kind of. For Roman Catholics, and anyone celebrating whatever comes up on a secular calendar, yes. But …
Fatima and the Rosary
The Theotokos’ Great Commission: Pray the Rosary On October 7 in the Roman Rite, we celebrated Our Lady of the Rosary, or a commemoration of the Victory of Lepanto. This feast was celebrated for the 448th time this year. The Church attributed this Title to the Theotokos. Both as the heavenly originator of the Holy …
The “Stay at Home” Life
There’s been a lot of talk lately about the stay at home life. And views about this topic tend to be quite strong. From staying at home is a waste of a woman’s time and talents, to a woman working outside the home after marriage is a demonic invention. Yikes! So, with all this talk …
The Prayer Rope – Prayer without Ceasing
A prayer rope, which can also be called Chotki or Komboskini, is a Byzantine prayer tool which dates back to the fourth century. St. Pachomius the Great (born in the 3rd Century) started the prayer rope as a way to keep track of prayers and prostrations. The most popular prayers that the prayer rope is …
Develop A Relationship with the Saints
One important mark of a Christian life is praying for others. We pray for our family and friends, and ask friends and family to pray for us all the time. Sometimes we forget that we have even more family in heaven, in the saints! This week’s article is a quick exploration of why it is …
The Ultimate Guide to Toy Rotation
One toy, two toys, three toys, a hundred! It is wild just how fast toys accumulate after having children. Okay, to be fair, we had a lot of plush animals before having children. (I love them). But since Little Fox’s birth, we have acquired enough toys to fill two industrial storage shelves. And that’s after …
Mom Reads: August Edition of Favourite Books
My favourite books that I have been reading this month, including a picture book, parenting/mom book, and something just because. Note: this is not a sponsored post. This is just me sharing what I’m reading and enjoying with you! I love reading. And it warms my heart when my two year old picks up a …
Feast of the Face of God
On August 16th we celebrate the Feast of the Image Not Made by Hands, the very first icon. We also know this icon by other names, including the Holy Napkin/Cloth, the Icon Not Made by Hands, The Image of Edessa, and the Mandylion (which is Greek for facecloth). This is the third Christological feast in …
Homeschool Blogs and Podcasts
Up here in Canada, we still have a whole month before it’s properly “back to school.” But school starts earlier in the United States and some other countries. So I’ve been getting a lot of back to school emails from mom and homeschool bloggers. There is a lot of great content out there. And I …
Guest Post: Dormition Fast, The Season of the Theotokos
Glory to Jesus Christ! Glory Forever! August 1 to August 15 marks another special season in the liturgical calendar of the Byzantine Church. A season dedicated to preparing with prayer and penance a heart like our Blessed Mother, the Holy Theotokos. We try to create a heart like Her’s because on August 15 the Theotokos …