Making Sunday a Day or Rest Resting can be difficult amid our busy lives. From school to work, and kids to marriage and friendships, there is always so much going on. As Christians we know that Sunday is our day or rest, but it is not always clear how we should go about resting. It …
Hobbies as a Family and as a New Mom
Of Habits and Hobbies Last week I wrote about some of the challenges I’ve experienced as a mother with two children under two years old. This week I’m going to look at some habits and hobbies I want to add and grow in my life. And how I plan to implement these goals all while …
Living Motherhood: A Reflection on Life with Two Under Two
Living Motherhood: A Reflection on Life with Two Under Two When I was a child, all I wanted to do when I grew up was to be a mother. After I was twelve, I added being a writer. But still, my vision a worthwhile future: become a mom. I never thought I’d be able to …
Christ, Lover of Mankind
Tomorrow we celebrate Jesus’ love for us, in both Eastern and Western churches. In the East, this Friday is called Christ, Lover of Mankind and in the West it is called the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart and is traditionally celebrated on the Friday 19 days after Pentecost. This Friday we focus upon the image …
Nativity of John the Baptist
The next feast day coming up is the Nativity of John the Baptist. John the Baptist, or John the Forerunner, is highly venerated in the Byzantine Churches. There are a couple reasons for this. First of all, he baptized Christ. And he is the last prophet, the one to prepare the way for Jesus (see …
Home Educating a Two Year Old
Home Education With A Two Year Old My eldest is getting ready to turn two. And with a newborn in the house, it’s easy not to get anything done at all in a day. I want to start some good habits now, to be sure we are ready and disciplined enough for grade-school homeschooling when …
Surviving With a Newborn (and Toddler)
Surviving the first two weeks home with a Newborn and Toddler In case you missed the news, we just had our second baby! We call her Little Badger. Badger ended up being a great choice because she has her father’s hair and eyes. We went home from the hospital roughly 36 hours after delivering Little …
Baby Birth Stories – What I’ve Learned from Giving Birth Twice
Going into labour has to be one of strangest experiences I’ve ever had. Even as we were driving to the hospital, we weren’t sure it was the real thing. I just knew I was in a lot of pain and I needed help. So, as I await going into labour a second time, I’m working …
5 Simple Ways to Encourage Faith in Babies and Toddlers
After the birth of my first baby, I spent most of my time thinking about her future baptism. Part of this was just me worrying something might happen to Little Fox before she was baptized. But I also was excited about being able to bring Little Fox into the Church. While I was baptized as …
Product Review: Holy Art Icon – “The Last Dinner” (Mystical or Last Supper)
This article has been updated since its original date of publication. Disclaimer: We were provided with a free product (the icon) in return for our honest review of HolyArt. All opinions expressed in this article are our own. The company did not require us to give a favourable review. All they asked of us was …