
What Are Our Rites: An Introduction to Byzantine Catholicism

If you’re like me, you probably grew up hearing very little or even nothing about the Eastern rites of the Catholic Church. Maybe you’ve heard something about there being married Catholic priests, or lots of incense at a daily liturgy. Maybe you found my blog because you were looking for more information. Well you’ve come …

Christian Living, Family

The Beauty of Christian Living: Why ‘The Way’ is the Best Way

In today’s culture, Christian living is often viewed as unappealing, unfashionable, and out of date. Yet, Christian living is none of these things. To twist a Fulton Sheen quote “There aren’t more than 100 people in this world who hate Christian living for what it is, but millions who hate it for what it isn’t.” …

What I Love about Roman Catholicism
ByzCatholic, Riteology

7 Things to Love about Roman Catholicism

With the amazing beauty of living a Byzantine life, it is only to easy to dismiss the rich traditions of Roman Catholicism. To be honest, it was harder to make this weeks list, compared to last weeks [7 Things to Love About Byzantine Catholicism]. However, there still are many things that I appreciate about Roman …


9 Ways to be Intentional about Celebrating the Easter Season

Christ is Risen! Easter Sunday (Pascha) is easily one of the biggest celebrations of the year. With time at church, a big family meal, and Easter egg hunts, our children catch on that the Sunday is important. But how to we continue to keep an Easter mind frame for the rest of the season? Celebrate …

ByzCast, ByzCatholic

The Orthodachs Show -Ep. 1

So it begins… [Note: While there are no expletives or graphic language in this podcast, some of the topics covered include mature themes and may not be suitable for younger audiences. Viewer discretion is advised.] In this episode BadgerDad makes his first attempt to enter into the competitive fray of Interweb podcasting.  News items covered …

Holy Week Traditions in the East and Western Rites of the Church
ByzCatholic, Riteology

A Byzantine Holy Week: A Comparison of Catholic Traditions

The week before Easter is one of increased preparation in anticipation of Easter. For Roman Catholics, it is the final week of Lent. For Byzantine Catholics, Great Lent is over and Holy Week is its own separate fast. Either way, Holy Week holds a special place in our lives as we follow Christ’s path to …

Baby Stage, Family

Dates at Home: How to Enjoy Time with Your Spouse When You Have Little Children

You can never overestimate how much less time you will have for yourself once you bring a baby into your home. The trouble is, the same can apply to time with your spouse. As a Christian family, we know that it is important to prioritize our marriage. Since having our first baby, we have come …