Synaxis of the Theotokos
ByzCatholic, Feasts

Post Feast of the Nativity of Christ: Synaxis of the Most Holy Mother of God

In the East we celebrate the Theotokos on the day after Christmas (Roman Catholics celebrate St. Stephen). We celebrate the Theotokos on the second day of the Feast of the Nativity primarily because it is through Mary that the incarnation is possible. The Nativity of Christ is the greatest moment of Mary’s life. It is …

Matthew the Evangelist
ByzCatholic, Feasts

Matthew the Holy Apostle and Evangelist

Holy Apostle and Evangelist Matthew We celebrate the Holy Apostle and Evangelist Matthew on November 16th. One thing we know about St. Matthew is that he was a tax collector before following Christ. And, in reading his gospel, we see his attentiveness to numbers never leaves him! His gospel was written specifically for a Jewish …

Reading for Kids
English - Language Arts, Homeschool, Preschool

Reading: From Phonics to Chapter Books

In the last ten months Little Fox went from learning that M/m says “mmm” to reading Magic Tree House chapter books. We have so much joy witnessing the progress of her reading! And so let’s delve into how we made it happen. Step One: Reading Readiness This step took a lot of patience. Waiting for …

Christian Living, Family

Gift Giving and Family Time – Preparing For St. Nicholas Day/Christmas

In the modern world, December is often a stress-inducing hubble-jumble of a month filled with parties, gifts, and overdrawn credit cards. As a family of faith, we want the month leading up to and including the birth of the prince of peace to look very different from this. So here is what we do to …